Controlling lamp using DFRDuino and Twitter

Hai guyss ? missed me ? hahaha | well , iam back to share with you all . after completion my bachelor degree  in january 2013 and busy with my job now , i will share with you again 🙂 .  hmmm i will discuss something around my essay now . For fulfill my bachelor  degree , each student must create one software and i try to take microcontroller for my essay .

Controlling Lamp using DFRDuino Uno and Twitter

lets discuss it !


iam using DFRDuino board , its same as arduino  . Only different producer , dont scare 🙂 and Relay for Hardware .

DFRDuino uno is hardware that designed with component consist USB to serial conventer port and some resistor and a microcontroller chip with kind of ATmega8U2 for main component. For DFRDuino board specification you can see in this link.

Relay Shield is an electrically operated switch . I use it for join with DFRDuino board and then connecting with lamp . See relay specification in here .

For hardware schema see picture 1.1

hardware schemapicture 1.1

For system schema see picture 1.2

rich_picturepicture 1.2


python ( wxPython for GUI ) , Tweety Library, C in arduino and working with twitter API .

Here is my final stuff

Controlling lamp using twitter

in GUI , i create scheduling program if user want to create schedule for each lamp . Launch the program in desktop and its automate stream twitter time line in back ground for accept user request via mention .

enjoy 🙂